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Fique em STANDBY para trabalhos de limpeza pós-Desastres da temporada de 2024. Envie seus documentos agora e se qualifique! Depois, é só esperar o chamado. 

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The Use of Personal Protective Equipment is Mandatory

Our disaster relief operations take place in challenging environments where items like air conditioning or wi-fi might be unavailable due to widespread damage. Also, It's crucial to wear required personal protective equipment (PPE), even in hot weather when hidrating properly. If you have doubts about your ability to meet safety demands while working in these conditions, we advise against applying. Your safety is paramount to us.

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Apply once, then update your W4 each season or annually.

Email us your documents to ensure swift deployment.

Stay prepared for an immediate notification when a disaster strikes.

Pack your bag and prepare to meet up with your team and supervisor.


Work safely and aid in the recovery of devastated communities.


Prior to deployment, the payroll is arranged to ensure smooth and on-time payouts.


Engage in multiple projects per season; return next season or skip one.



We pre-qualify workers to be on standby for contracting by disaster restoration companies. When a disaster hits, we notify everyone to be alert, and when a client offers us a contract, we will post the details regarding the position, such as pay rate, open positions, location, etc.


Nós pré-qualificamos trabalhadores para ficarem de prontidão para serem contratados por empresas de restauração em caso de desastres. Quando ocorre um desastre, notificamos todos para ficarem alertas, e quando um cliente nos oferece um contrato, iremos postar os detalhes sobre a posição, como taxa de pagamento, posições abertas, localização, etc.

Pre-calificamos a los trabajadores para estar en espera de ser contratados por empresas de restauración en caso de desastres. Cuando ocurre un desastre, notificamos a todos para que estén alerta, y cuando un cliente nos ofrece un contrato, publicaremos los detalles sobre la posición, como la tasa de pago, las posiciones abiertas, la ubicación, etc.



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I acknowledge that as a disaster restoration worker, I may be deployed to catastrophe areas where accommodation options such as hotels and infrastructure may be limited or damaged. In such cases, I understand that I may be required to stay in communal lodges improvised in gymnasiums, cruise ships, or tents.

I am aware that while efforts will be made to separate males and females unless they are a couple, sometimes the conditions may not allow for strict separation. Regardless, I understand the importance of maintaining professionalism at all times, as the law will be enforced.


I acknowledge the importance of adhering to health and safety protocols in communal living situations and understand that I am responsible for my own behavior while staying deployed.


I also understand that the situation in disaster areas can be dynamic and may require adaptability to changing conditions.


I understand that only candidates equipped with steel toe boots, leather gloves, and hard hats will be considered for deployment.



The necessary PPE items, including masks, respirator cartridges, disposable and safety gloves, safety glasses, and high-visibility vests, will be provided as needed.

By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understood the above information, and I am willing to accept the conditions outlined for disaster restoration work. 

Documents Ready for Download - English

Documents Ready for Download - Spanish

Background Checks Documents

Background Check Requirement:

All applicants must undergo a background check for the state of Detroit. If you have been residing in the country for less than 5 years, we require background checks from your country of origin. These checks can typically be requested online or through your country's consulates.

Requisito de Verificación de Antecedentes:

Todos los solicitantes deben someterse a una verificación de antecedentes para el estado de Detroit. Si ha estado residiendo en el país durante menos de 5 años, requerimos verificaciones de antecedentes de su país de origen. Estas verificaciones generalmente se pueden solicitar en línea o a través de los consulados de su país.

Requisito de Verificação de Antecedentes:

Todos os candidatos devem passar por uma verificação de antecedentes para o estado de Detroit. Se você reside no país há menos de 5 anos, exigimos verificação de antecedentes do seu país de origem. Essas verificações geralmente podem ser solicitadas online ou por meio dos consulados do seu país.

Visit Us

E-mail us your questions for a fast response.


100 E Pine St., Suite 110, Orlando FL 32801

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