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Regular Time and Some Overtime!
Orgullosos de Servir!
To be considered for these positions, it is important to have all the necessary paperwork completed and be able to report to the designated area at the designated time.
Only candidates equipped with steel toe boots, leather gloves, and hard hats will be considered for deployment. The necessary PPE items, including masks, respirator cartridges, disposable and safety gloves, safety glasses, and high-visibility vests, will be provided as needed.
How To Apply
Como Me Inscrever p/ Este Trabalho?
Once you have applied and worked with us, you will receive priority on all future projects. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you take the time to complete this initial step, as it will be worth it in the long run.
Documents Ready for Download - English
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Documentos Listos para Descargar - Español.
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Background Check Authorization Form
Formulario de autorización para verificación de antecedentes
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So, to complete the I-9 form, an individual would need to provide either:One document from List A (Primary Proof of Identity and Work Authorization)
One document from List B (Secondary Proof of Identity) AND one document from List C (Secondary Proof of Work Authorization)
In total, they need to provide either one document from List A or two documents, one from List B and one from List C.
LIST-A Documents
LIST-B Documents
U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine-readable immigrant visa (MRIV)
Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766, I-688B, or I-688A)
Foreign passport with a Form I-94 or Form I-94A containing the same name as the passport and an endorsement of the alien's nonimmigrant status, if that status authorizes the alien to work for the employer
Passport from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) or the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) with Form I-94 or Form I-94A indicating nonimmigrant admission under the Compact of Free Association Between the United States and the FSM or RMI
State-issued driver's license
U.S. Military ID Card or Military Dependent ID Card
Voter's registration card
Native American tribal document
School ID card with a photograph
LIST-C Documents
Social Security Card issued by the Social Security Administration (other than a card stating it is not valid for employment)
Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority, or territory of the United States bearing an official seal
Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545 or Form DS-1350)
Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a foreign government, accompanied by a valid unexpired U.S. state-issued driver's license or ID card, or original Social Security Card
U.S. Citizen ID Card (Form I-197)
Identification Card for Use of Resident Citizen in the United States (Form I-179)
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100 E Pine St., Suite 110, Orlando FL 32801